
Here are some links to other TCG resource sites, plus other sites that I've found useful in the past for general webstuff tutorials, graphics, and other goodies. (Somewhat out of date right now, but...)

other TCG resources

Home of EasyTCG, plus other scripts, an active community, articles, and more!

Layouts, fonts, adoptable card templates, tutorials, hosting, and more. :3

html, php, css help

Position is Everything
Comparison of browser bugs and the hacks used to fix them.

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Billions of tutorials on just about everything related to HTML & XML.
Everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't) about PHP.

Browser-Safe Fonts
Demonstration of "safe" fonts to use in webdesign.

tutorials, scripts, and more

girls who geek
Piles of tutorials for HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript/more!

Dodo's Scripts Collection
Lots of neat little scripts including DodosMail PHP email script for web forms.

Virtual Max's Cafe
Lots of little Java applet games which go nicely with TCGs.
Home of CuteNews news management system.

free layouts, fonts, graphics, etc

Photoshop brushes, textures, patterns, and much more.

Digik Gallery
Anime/manga/game scans. bitmap fonts
A nice selection of cute pixel fonts.